Success Stories of Refocus



The Herald Sun Interview with Barbara Kustra (Director of Refocus): “Ads for dangerous drug ice multiply on Craigslist

The Age article quoting Rehab Team Members: “It’s almost like a trick at first’: Young Australians lead a surge in serious ice use”


Community Radio “Living Free” Interview with Barbara Kustra (Director of Refocus)

ABC Radio Breaking the ice” Interview with Refocus Team Member Jack Nagle [source link]


The Today Show (Channel 9) Interview with Refocus Team Member Jack Nagle


“Barbara and …. are the type of people you instantly like, down-to-earth and straight to the point, they have the ability to help you solve problems that seem unsolvable at the time.”   
Client Testimonial

“Thank you for all you are doing for our daughter. I have not seen her so happy, relaxed and enjoying life for years. Thank you for bringing our daughter back.”
Family Testimonial

“Found being part of a highly focused program, living independently with others in a safe, relaxed and secure environment gave me a stable base which helped me feel more in control of my life and gave me a renewed sense of hope and determination about myself. We respect and care about each other’s recovery and that builds a momentum which pulls us all along.”
Client Testimonial

“It’s time to go out into the big wide world and try and find my feet. I want to thank you all for your support and help through these past seven months. It has probably been the best experience in my life and I hope I take with me all the wonderful things you have all taught me. I also thank you for your patience and tolerance I know I can’t have been that easy at times. Thank you all the most precious seven months of my life. I couldn’t have done it without you. Will see you all soon. Love Anna”
Client Testimonial

“To the Refocus crew, Thank you for all your love, kindness, and support over the past month. Although it has been and tough time for me, it has also been very healing. Your compassion & understanding has meant a lot to me. Also I haven’t laughed so much in years, so thank you!”
Client Testimonial

“Thank you all for the good times, it has made me believe that “fun” is possible in recovery.”
Client Testimonial

“Something “Magical” happens at Refocus which I hope you all find and then carry with you in your
Recovery life.”
Client Testimonial

To speak with former members of the program, we can put you in touch.  For this, or any other enquiries please call Barbara on (03) 9537 0880

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